速報APP / 家庭 / Math Garden

Math Garden





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Maurici Carbó C/ Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 324 Barcelona 08041 SPAIN

Math Garden(圖1)-速報App

Math Garden +

In this app, the natural numbers are represented as vegetables (plants):

Plants similar to:

Dandelions, (from French: 'dent-de-lion')

Math Garden(圖2)-速報App

The general operation is similar to that of plants:

Seeds fall from the sky

They should be planted. And then grow the plant corresponding to the seed (and the number chosen).

When the time comes to harvest dandelions, the plant is plucked from the ground.

Math Garden(圖3)-速報App

Then the seeds that it has generated are released.

And the seeds return to heaven.

The particular operation is similar to that of the numbers:

If two unseeded seeds overlap, they add up.

Math Garden(圖4)-速報App

If two seeds are planted, the plants multiply.

The plants are structured in branches, forking in function of the prime numbers that compose the factorization of the number.

Plants multiplied underground, often have a structure different from plants planted in a single blow.

(Multiplied plants do not have the usual order of a well-made factorization)

Math Garden(圖5)-速報App

Each plant generates as many little dandelions as the number that indicates its seed, Having any of the structures that may have.

The program has 30 furrows one behind the other to be able to plant.

This paid version has:

4 prebuilt gardens.

Math Garden(圖6)-速報App

Memory of the last session.

Resources for storing and retrieving garden files in the inner memory.

Fractions added:

Proper Fractions, improper, and Mixed Fractions.

Math Garden(圖7)-速報App

(Build Fractions Tool at left)

HERE: "The order of the factors does not alter the product, but the shape of the resulting plant".

There's a free and elementary version of Math Garden: Search: "Kids Math Garden" on Nummolt's Google Play apps list. (same developer)

Math Garden(圖8)-速報App